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Crossword tools
- DuckTiles is a fun site for anagrams, a bit like have a load of Scrabble tiles on a table and shuffling them all around to see what combinations you can find.
- Manuplexity is a great site developed and run by my clever friend George. You can use 'wildcards' to find words - so for example if you do "S..T" it'll give you all the four-letter words that start with S and end with T, or "GHO*" will give you all the words (of any length) that start with GHO. I realise I'm not explaining it well - give it a try and see. Also there's a nice anagram finder on there too.
- Sandergram
is an interesting site for anagrams etc. I don't really understand all the commands but even so it's very helpful (good for setters maybe more than solvers?).